We will cover the different ways of viewing everyone that liked your TikTok video on your TikTok app and using the desktop version. Also, we will see how you can check all your TikTok videos’ likes for better analytics.

Can I Tell Who Liked My TikTok?

Most people have been asking whether it is possible to know who liked their TikTok video. The good news is that, yes, it’s possible. TikTok allows users to get the analytics of a particular video, and you can see your videos’ comments and likes. Moreover, if you want to see all the likes that all your videos have, that is also possible. However, that won’t allow you to filter the likes based on the specific video, but there is no harm done in viewing all the total likes.

How To Know Who Liked My TikTok Video

It’s normal to get curious about how many likes your TikTok videos get and check who liked your TikTok videos. If you want to see a list of everyone who liked a specific TikTok video, follow the below steps.

Using the TikTok App

Scroll down, checking everyone who liked your post. Still, you can tap on their profiles to analyze them, view their TikTok videos, or follow them by clicking the Follow Back button.

Using a Computer

You can also see who liked your TikTok videos using your Mac o PC. All your TikTok likes will appear, but the problem is that you have no way of filtering them based on a given video. Nonetheless, you can scroll down the list checking everyone who has ever liked your TikTok videos.

How To See All My TikTok Likes

If you want to get the list of everyone who has liked your TikTok videos without specifying the particular video, you can achieve that on your Android or iPhone. You will see the total comments your videos have received, and it’s a good way of knowing how your videos perform on TikTok. Follow the steps on Android and iOS: If your videos have received many likes or you have many videos, you will have a large list containing everyone. As we did in the earlier section, you can use this method or filter per video.


Seeing who liked your TikTok videos is easy. You can choose to see the likes based on a given video or get the total likes for all your videos. This guide has presented the steps for knowing who liked your TikTok videos on your mobile app and the desktop.

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